Sunday, 25 March 2018

A to Z Challenge (2018) Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge

The one thing I'm consistent with is my ability to knock on the mighty doors of this challenge unprepared. 

I was unprepared in 2016 when I attempted it for the first time, but I survived and thrived and found the ride so thrilling, I knew I'd be participating the following year.

Anyone else would've learnt and buckled down to write a few posts before ringing the door bell of the challenge of 2017. Anyone, but me. I managed to write and relish every day of the challenge of 2017 despite the unpreparedness, notwithstanding the extra pounds I put on, on account of sitting for long periods of time to write, post, read and comment.

And here I am, barely a week away from the 1st of April 2018, still unprepared and like the last two times, unsure of a theme. It's becoming a habit, right? Not a good one either, whispers my blogging conscience while my fat cells can be heard (faintly for now) smacking their lips in anticipation of yet another snack-post-snack-read-snack-comment kinda April. 

"Words are my wine." I'd said last year and they continue to intoxicate me. So come along,  sip a drop or gulp a glass full-- your wish--I'll be here with 26 fresh posts this April. 

What can you expect on artismoments during the A to Z Challenge? A medley of things I like to do and blog about, like:


Poetry and short fiction 



and Quotes and words that make me smile or pause.

As you can see, it's not easy to squeeze all of the above in one theme, so I'm opting for the 'Other and Miscellaneous' category.
Budapest, Spring 2016
The Jersey Shore, Winter 2016
I hope to see you on April 1st when I step into this challenge with A.


  1. so anything goes is that what you're saying? I also don't have a theme and I like the idea of writing without themes and whatever comes, comes. good luck with the challenge.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Yes Lisssa. That's the idea. It's worked for me so far, so hopefully, it will work this time too. However, I have started working on a few post ideas since yesterday.
      All the best to you.

  2. Big fan of your this challenge posts. There is something hypnotic about your words that make me want to read and re-read over and over again. Good luck love and you will rock it.

    1. Thank you so much Pinkz. Your words and love mean a lot:) xx

  3. You know, I think the challenge has really two hearts. One is the planner that prepares the challenge carefully. the other is the pantser that goes with the imagination of the day. I think boths will be fine ;-)
    Have a fantastic April!

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Weimar Germany

    1. I like the sound of 'going with the imagination of the day' Sarah. Thank you for dropping by.
      All the best for April:)


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