Dear Readers,
I hope you're all well and healthy.
Re-sharing an old post today.
A friend shared some photos of her trip to Croatia recently on her Instagram account. Her clicks put me in mind of the time we'd marvelled at Croatia's cerulean skies in 2017.
Here it is then--an old post with travel pictures.
The poetry in the end that I wrote three years ago put a smile on my face today:) It seems like the 2017 me knew I'd need to read these words today. This is time travel in a blogger's world. I sat down with an agenda for the day: a tad worrisome: mired in a to-do list of sorts; but after reading the post, all I can do is smile. The birds in the garden who have been singing all morning are sounding clear and chirpy now. The fog has lifted.
Wishing you all a sparkling day wherever you are.
Much love
Arti xx

Gardening duties over, I make my way back to the kitchen. En route, I pinch a few tulsi leaves to boil with fennel seeds and grated ginger to prepare my chai. The husband is packed off with his sandwiches and the son is yet to wake up. I am left with the gift of twenty minutes--too short to sit and mediate or practise yoga or run a wash cycle, but long enough to meet my feathered friends. I cradle my garam, garam chai in my hands and go back out to sit under the fragrant blooms of frangipani and the shade of the mulberry leaves to have tea with the birds.
A mishmash of house sparrows, Spanish sparrows, mynahs, doves and even the odd bulbul play their orchestra of notes while hopping from a branch here, to a leaf there, then to the moist ground to pick juicy breakfast. I've often thought of buying some seeds, but the birds seem content with berries and worms. Sipping tea, while squatting on the grass, trying to be invisible so that I can be part of their world for just under twenty minutes or so is the most special part of my day.
The birds gather here everyday like it's the first day. Their songs herald every day with the same magic, no matter the news, the changing temperature or the moon cycles. I sit and look at them and sometimes my heart flies around with them--free and fabulous.
It's been over a month since I've blogged. I've been busy doing nothing--yes, that's the best kind of busy. Cleaning, cooking, reading, yoga and walks in Aspire Park have kept me occupied. I've been in a questioning mood (more about it in a later post--maybe:)
Today, after a long while, I feel like I'd like to write and share again. Birds sing, hoot, squawk and squeak. They hop, skitter, skip and then fly off. I sit and watch and wonder what they make of what they see. So intent are they on their business of being, that they don't seem to have the need to question anything. No purpose needed other than the joy of living. Oh! how blessed are these feathered friends who have no mind to calm, no hearts to open, no chakras to align, no breath to focus on--they know how to be.
Bird's-eye view -- a term used for when you look at something from above--physically removed, detached, like an observer. Maybe that's the secret of the birds' lightness--they observe from a distance, they don't mire themselves in situations and reactions. Maybe one doesn't have to fly to detach, maybe one can sit and close ones eyes and let go. Maybe. Let's see. It's early days, but the journey to be has begun.
April, this year, saw us exploring Croatia and one of my favourite walks was: walking the walls of Dubrovnik. I urge you to do it if you're able to. The views were stunning, of course, but the peace and quiet up here (at least when we were there) takes you back in time and space. You can be a bird, an ancient warrior fending your kingdom, a princess or a washerwoman waiting for her lover, or a mother carrying a camera:) Up here, your imagination and your eyes will keep you occupied for hours
All these photos were taken from top of the walls that surround the Old City.
Dubrovnik: A bird's-eye view
One never knows when ones seams may come undone;)
And here's a view that's been painted by many artists:
Back down in the old city, who should I see?
A bunch of birds--colourful, but not free.
Summer heat and political news makes me want to read poems like this one by Emily Dickinson:
Photo courtesy: Google Images.
This is my hope for you dear readers, and in this hope lies a prayer that I send out for me.
Have you noticed how the words our hearts seek
are the ones our fingers type so our eyes may peek?
I wish you a summer such as this.
May you smell the flowers
and always caress the grass
Have you noticed how the words our hearts seek
are the ones our fingers type so our eyes may peek?
I wish you a summer such as this.
May you smell the flowers
and always caress the grass
May books be read under trees
laden with summer fruit or leaves fluttering in balmy breeze
laden with summer fruit or leaves fluttering in balmy breeze
May much-too-juicy mangoes quench your thirst for childhoods gone
and may those fleshy cherries make you cherish the lands to which you now belong
and may those fleshy cherries make you cherish the lands to which you now belong
May lemonade infused with mint and thyme
fill you up with still and sparkling bubbles of tender travelled time
May jamuns and black berries colour you in their darkness so deep
that you may frolic in merry mischief of those once-upon-a-time afternoons
when you hoodwinked sleep
fill you up with still and sparkling bubbles of tender travelled time
May jamuns and black berries colour you in their darkness so deep
that you may frolic in merry mischief of those once-upon-a-time afternoons
when you hoodwinked sleep
May cold and creamy kulfi held with both hands on sticks
melt more rapidly than your greedy, clumsy licks.
May white kurtas and cream dupattas bear stains plenty
of tumbles and first kisses when lovers had wished for public parks to be empty
melt more rapidly than your greedy, clumsy licks.
May white kurtas and cream dupattas bear stains plenty
of tumbles and first kisses when lovers had wished for public parks to be empty
May ice-cream carts ring in all your summers from before
through gates and gullies and welcoming open doors
of orange bars and shared bites
and bursting into neighbours' houses to claim reclaimed kites
through gates and gullies and welcoming open doors
of orange bars and shared bites
and bursting into neighbours' houses to claim reclaimed kites
May you sing with birds and fly with them too
May you remember to wear sunscreen, shades, hat
and let not your smile go askew
But, whenever you step out
May you remember to wear sunscreen, shades, hat
and let not your smile go askew
But, whenever you step out
May you be you this summer
May you always be you
May you always be you:
the sum total of memories, dreams and dew
Enjoying every now and then --
your own personal bird's-eye view
May you always be you
May you always be you:
the sum total of memories, dreams and dew
Enjoying every now and then --
your own personal bird's-eye view