
Sunday 21 March 2021

Theme reveal --by the skin of my teeth!

Drum roll please....

So, after wondering about going theme-less, as I've done in the past, I'm binding myself to a theme this year.

This will be my 5th A to Z Challenge.

I owe the A to Z a lot. This challenge helps me to focus. You see, the five months preceding April are my gardening months and when I'm with my plants and pots, nothing else matters. Blogging goes into hibernation but as soon as March arrives announcing the A to Z, it propels me to dust off my blogging cobwebs and wills me to sit and write.

Last year's posts got a lot of love from the readers. One such reader is an illustrator. He liked my posts about my childhood so much that he and I ended up planning a picture book together.

We met weekly on zoom calls as he's based in India, and I'm in Doha. Seeing his illustrations of my memoirs is thrilling and humbling. When one's words reach another in this way, it feels really special. The book is almost ready to show to publishers. 

A couple of  months ago, while I was browsing our local book store to figure out where to position our picture book, I noticed 'The book of Ichigo Ichie' sitting in the poetry section. Something made me pick the book up and read the first two pages. I bought it and brought it home.

Quoting from the book (authored by Hector Garcia and Francese Miralles):

The meaning of ichigo ichie is something like this. What we are experiencing right now will never happen again. And therefore, we must value each moment like a beautiful treasure.

Covid19 and its aftermath has shown all of us just how important valuing each and every moment is. 

While seeking inspiration for the forthcoming posts, I decided to rummage through the images I'd captured in 2019 when we'd travelled quite extensively. What struck me was that the chance, the coincidence, the magic, the moment that some of the photos had captured couldn't have been planned or prepared for. These were chance meetings, the coming together of so many elements that had even one been out of sync, the picture wouldn't have happened.

The concept of 'Ichigo Ichie (pronounced itchy-Go itchy-A) is the theme of this year's A to Z for me.

So, come along to this space on the 1st of April and join me for a month long celebration of chance that is intrinsically bound in moments as unique as you and me.

This year, I hope to share more photos than I did last year. Hanging a carrot for those who find me too verbose;)

Looking forward to April with hope.

Be safe and healthy.


  1. Yay! Looking forward to reading your posts. <3

    1. Thank you Sri. And I'm looking forward to your temple trails:)

  2. You never disappoint- looking forward to 1st April Arti 😍

  3. Hari OM
    You know I'll be along for the ride!!! YAM xx

  4. Thanks for the reference to Ichigo Ichie - it is just what I need in my life at this moment! :) Totally looking forward to the month of April. Do tag me as well. All the best!

    1. Yes, yes and yet again yes to the one who's willing to be tagged all month long;) Thank you Mini. I hope I can muster up 26 posts out of an idea. Wish me luck.xx

  5. Hello Arti - Met you for the first time, during last year's A to Z Challenge. I will be there this year too. Looking forward.

    1. Hi Pradeep. Thank you.
      I'm glad you'll be joining the challenge this year too. Looking forward to your posts.

  6. Look forward to reading your posts!

  7. I love this theme! Staying in the moment and appreciating each and every one of them is the goal. Life sometimes gets in the way but I always try to remember. Weekends In Maine

    1. Thank you Karen. I hope you're participating too this year:)

  8. "we must value each moment like a beautiful treasure" ... ooooh, I love this and I must read more. Cannot wait! Much luck to you and I love the way ichigo ichie is pronounced!

    1. Thank you:)
      So glad you like the theme and the way the word sounds.
      I hope I can live up to both;)
      See you in April.

  9. Oh, I already love your theme and I'm so happy to read you (and watch your photos) again this year Arti 😊

    1. Thank you so much Frederique. See you in April:)

  10. Great theme.
    It's abit strange to think at life before Covid, but it will be nice to see it :-)

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - The Great War


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