
Monday 15 March 2021

So, I turned fifty this year

My dear friends and readers,

It's been a while since I've been here. My excuse? My garden and the fact that it's spring time in Doha.

Spring is very, very special here. The fact that summer arrives suddenly and brutally to these parts and stays for a very, very long time has something to do with my addiction for the outdoors in the months of January, February and March.

As always, I'm so absorbed in the tilling and toiling and potting and repotting that the arrival of the A to Z blogging challenge catches me unaware, unprepared and unable to figure out how in the world will I manage to write 26 decent posts worth your time!

But, somehow, I do. And this year is no exception.

I'm gonna do it. 

And while I go and ponder about a theme/no theme and dig into my camera that hasn't left Qatar for 12 months to figure out what I'll be sharing with you this year, I leave you with this spoken word piece that I wrote at the end of last year and performed a month ago.

It has been a year of sequestering, solitude and finding paths that lead me back to the simpler joys of life like sitting with a book under our neem tree listening to birdsong. Things I thought I'd miss a lot like travelling, trekking and seeing new places have not been missed as much. Perhaps, it's the realisation that there is so much to be thankful for as I turn fifty: good health, loved ones and friends, decent food,  fresh air, walks in parks, sunsets and sunrises, waves lapping to the shores, buds blooming and earthworms wriggling in my patch of green and a safe place I call home -- the most precious things that make this life blissful and that's plenty. 

I hope to see you soon. 

Take good care. 



  1. Hari Om
    Welcome back to Blogville Arti! So glad you are doing A-Z again. I have placed a reveal theme on my photo blog - but a couple of sleepless nights found me plotting to do it on Wild YAM and my Instagram... so have been beavering away planning them out! Well, there's not that much else to do as we remain in lockdown.

    Thank you for your word piece... one of my pet peeves is the use of phones as a way of not being present when in my company. RUDE! Sadly, I think the conversations have suffered much as a result of isolation. All the screen times things are no substitute...but now we are all caught in the ether.

    Roll on April! YAM xx

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome dear Yamini.

      I'm still waiting for the muse to visit--don't know which path this April will lead me to:)

      See you soon.

      Hugs. xx

  2. Good to see you back 😊! Happy birthday 😉
    and looking forward to reading your atoz challenge!


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