
Saturday 29 April 2023

Day Twenty-nine #NaPoWriMo 2023

Dear Readers,

The (optional) prompt on day  Twenty-nine of #NA/GloPoWriMo asks the poet to start by reading Alberto Rios’s poem “Perfect for Any Occasion.” Then write a two-part poem that focuses on a food or type of meal. At some point in the poem, describe the food or meal as if it were a specific kind of person. Give the food/meal at least one line of spoken dialogue.

The poem I wrote for Day 29 has expired. But I leave you with this photo of Kashmiri Kahawa and an older poem that fits the prompt. It's called. 'He carried dirt under his fingernails.'



I wrote and performed this poem a few years ago. This is about food too. I hope you'll find the time to listen or watch 'He carried dirt under his fingernails'.

Thank you for stopping by. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. As always, please share your comments and views here. I look forward to reading them:)


  1. Food is so interconnected to who we are. That comes across so clearly in your poem Chai, as well as the poem about your Grandfather. It is sad to think that the boy's teacher lost out on an opportunity to really connect with the boy. And the poem about your Grandfather was so passionate and heart warming. I really enjoyed both of these.

    1. Thank you for visiting Sgeoil. I'm glad the two poems found you:)

  2. Really like the two parts and how they work together. taste is such a human construct!

  3. I never thought of taste as a human construct, but it really is actually one that I can understand being a construct, not that I thought about it.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh my
    How I adore chai
    With spices many
    Just one or any
    but a fave I have
    is for Elaichi!
    YAM xx

    1. Love. Love. Love your poetic response Yamini. Cheers:)


I would love to hear from you. Please leave your thoughts and comments here.