
Saturday 29 April 2017

Y is for Yellow #atozchallenge

The penultimate post of this challenge wants to be presented in a simple, straightforward way. No hunts for the elusive Y word have been carried out and no digging in closets of memories has taken place today.

It's a post awash with my favourite colour, Yellow.

A favour is all I ask of you my dear readers, please don't tell Turquoise about this post. He's my 'other' love. I tend to wear him more, too. So he may get the wrong idea, you see. Yellow, on the other hand, makes me do things I'd never do for T. Like, go up to complete strangers and ask them if I can click their picture. Or lie flat on my back to take a photo of a tiny desert plant that grows here in Qatar. Or wait for the sunset to capture Y's last radiant streaks. Or set the alarm for 4 in the morning to ensure I catch Y when he's being born.

Yellow, I can't resist. And Turquoise I can't live without.

Without further yakking, let's go and follow that Yellow...
Draped in Kutchch
Resplendent in Qatar--found this beauty on our way to Purple Island
Carpeting Nottingham, U.K.
Hanging in Amman, Jordan
and holding a Green Party, Amman again.
 Keeping Buddha company in Koh Samui
On display in Tbilisi, Georgia
Ready to take off in Washington D.C.
Streaming through curtains
and waiting to be harvested in Rajasthan.
Hanging outside to dry in Ahmedabad
Crossing the road in Split, Croatia
Do you know the name Split comes from a yellow flower that grows in abundance on the hills surrounding Split.
When the Greeks first settled here, they found the hills covered with Aspalatos (the yellow flower),
thus, giving Split its name.
Split is the place where Aspalatos grows.
A very kind lady at a shop I got some lavender from in Split told me this. 
She was such a treasure trove of information. 
I asked her if she knew why Split was called Split.
Croatians call this flower Brnistra. I didn't take any pictures of it, so I'm using this google image:
Van Gogh loved yellow, too.
Here's a letter I wrote to him about...ya right.. Yellow
That was in 2015. 
More recently, I met Surabhi, an artist who loves yellow as much as I do. 
Thank you all for keeping me company.
It's been an amazing journey.
One last letter to go.
Waiting for Zee.
Last year's last was Zekreet
What will this year's be?
Do you have a favourite colour?
What might that/those be?
Do share:)


  1. Hey Arti, my favourite colour is also yellow. It gives life to the things it fills.

  2. Those are some wonderful photos! I do love how bright the colour yellow is and how it's almost synonymous with light and happiness.
    Today on my A-Z of Favourite Things, Y is for Anton Yelchin.

  3. I love yelllow too, though different shades of blue especially turquoise are my fav too. Lovely lovely post. Whoever said yellow, yellow dirty fellow must be off their rockers! Glad I stopped by.

    Blog: natashamusing
    Theme: Travel Epiphanies
    Yonder and Beyond

    1. I agree with you Natasha:) Thank u for stopping by.

  4. Fabulous images and a wonderful post. Yellow is such a happy colour!

  5. Just seeing yellow makes me smile! Feel lighter! Thanks.

    Affirmations for a Good Life

  6. Beautiful photos that capture the richness of yellow. And I am not sure I'd want to board a plane with "will it run" scratched on the engine! :)

  7. I want that Georgian artist to come do a mural on my wall!
    Lovely pictures, lovely color.
    I confess that yellow is one I tend to admire more from a distance but... it's kind of like celery in a soup. It may not be your absolute favorite by itself but without it, everything is flat and boring.

    1. Oooh...I like that celery analogy---clocking it in my writing brain to use it one day.
      Thank you so much for making the challenge a laugh out loud kinda journey with some really special moments thrown in.

  8. Your pictures are stunning today (they're amazing every day, but today's are particularly good).

    Phillip | Y is for Year of the Monkey | Y is also for Yellow

  9. wow! i couldn't help but pause and admire the superbly gorgeous pictures ! Awe inspiring!
    Best wishes,

  10. Oh what a gorgeous gorgeous post. Yes, it's clear yellow suits you well. And no worries, your secret is safe from turquoise with me.

    I fear I'm too fickle to have a favorite color or two - they always seem to be morphing. But right now Ruby and Turquoise are singing to my heart and I'm listening and looking carefully.

    1. I go through colour phases too Deborah, but turquoise and yellow always happen to hang around, near me:)
      Thank you for your lovely words.

  11. Bright Happy Cheerful Yellow ( as opposed to sickly, scared, bilious yellow).
    And the combo of Y and T is one of my faves. Smile inspiring.
    You yellowed us around he world today.

  12. Loved the photos and the post, Arti. Yellow is my favourite colour too:-)

  13. Gorgeous pictures of yellow. Too bad it's so difficult to wear!

    1. I do have a few yellow tops--I wear them with chunky blue beads:)

  14. You found beautiful yellows around the world! Yellow makes me look very sickly, my favorite is purple.

    1. Purple is such a royal colour and goes well with yellow, too:)

  15. I enjoyed your yellow photos today. My favorite is a toss up between red and purple.

    1. Both are such rich and royal colours.

  16. The thing I loved about the the A to Z Challenge, is I've managed to visit new places and blogs that I would never have come across otherwise. Love your photography
    Dropping by from the A to Z Challenge.
    Z is for Zero - no more 2017 A to Z Challenges left to do!

    Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

    Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

    1. Thank you for stopping by Sandra. And I like this challenge for similar reasons. Plus, I end up writing for sure.

  17. So many beautiful pictures. I suppose it's the best of both worlds when yellow and turquoise come together (which they do in some of the pictures). :)

    A to Z 2017: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  18. Lovely photos Arti thank you and a great whirlwind tour also! Here in South Africa we're well into autumn and there are so many shades of yellowing plants, it's quite magnificent!

    1. Autumn sings symphonies of yellows--you are blessed Susan. Enjoy the music:)

  19. I so enjoyed this set featuring yellow. It's nice to see something new like the 3 apartment piece or be reminded of something in my own past level Ken the yellow flowers. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to comment Fran:)

  20. I used to think that my favourite colour is orange, but I love yellow more and more. All you pictures in this post are gorgeous!

    I didn't know the reason of the name of Split. I was there some years ago, but never asked. By the way, we have that flower in my region in Spain as well!

    Eva - Mail Adventures


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