
Friday 21 April 2017

R is for Rann of Kutchch #atozchallenge

I came across quietude
A few times actually.
It was Q day, you see.

I thought
I haven't been that
from A till now.

Maybe, it's time.
Perhaps a pause, I thought
A bit of quietude
is what I need before
S follows R

Come in silence
in your own quietude
and walk or stroll or wander
beside me.
I like your company
when I'm quiet
and you are too.
Silence speaks an ancient tongue
one you speak
the one I infer
without ever uttering a word.

So come.
to these silent salts of Kutchch.

Where a smile, a nod is enough.

Sun sets us alight 
Golden and bright
While he goes off
after kissing Earth.
I'm sure he can taste the salt on his lips.


They are warm and proud
and hardworking too--
The people of Kutchch
who give you free rides
and call you behen (sister)
even though you're a tourist
and this is their tourist season.

An extract from The Essential Rumi
Coleman Barks

Wean Yourself
Think how it is to have a conversation with an embryo.
You might say, "The world outside is vast and intricate.
There are wheatfields and mountain passes,
and orchards in bloom.

At night there are millions of galaxies, and in sunlight
the beauty of friends dancing at a wedding."

You ask the embryo why he, she, stays cooped up
in the dark with eyes closed.
Listen to the answer.
There is no "other world."
I only know what I've experienced.
You must be hallucinating.
Stay safe and relish the silence
till we meet again:)


  1. Interesting pictures. Find me here. LINK

  2. Wonderful photos!

  3. Great pictures and wonderful poems. I particularly like the line 'I'm sure he can taste the salt on his lips'.

    Phillip | R is for Reconnecting

  4. Gorgeous photos and beautiful words Arti! The people of Kutchch sound wonderful ..

    1. I met quite a few and they were all just wonderful.

  5. Beautiful Arti - the words and pictures!

    Emily | My Life In Ecuador | Reinventing a 2.4 km beach front boardwalk

  6. I'm grateful to be invited along on your journey of truth flowing through musical words and love radiating from your photos.

  7. Oh, maaaaaaan...
    If I offer to carry your camera gear, may I go along with you?
    Going back to stare at the pictures now...

    1. Oh! Jz...come along any day.
      I'm saving up to buy a camera that comes with a gear. The one I have now fits in my palm:)

  8. Quiet, restful and still -- three beautiful things.

  9. Adore the photos. It's as of I can sense the pride and the friendliness through them, and your respect for your subjects.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Thanks Barbara. "Always find out what the subject can teach you--make a portrait, don't take a photo." A wise photographer once said on a documentary I watched some time ago. Can't remember his name. But I like what he said.

  10. Oh Arti - what a beautiful post! The words and photos fill my heart.

  11. Lovely postcards from Kutchh. Each one competes the other.

    1. So happy you got to see them Pinkz. Have you been to Kutchch?

  12. Arti,

    Fantastic photo essay with poetic flow of words. Great job!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "R" (realistic rabbit & rascally road runner)

  13. I love these pictures. I didn't know where Kutchh is.

    Eva - Mail Adventures

  14. Fantastic pictures and lovely poems!


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